The Pacific Network
Operators Group - Organisational Structure
Coordination Team
The members of the PacNOG Coordination Team are currently:
- Champika Wijayatunga, ICANN
- Elly Tawhai, APNIC
- Fred Christopher, PITA
- Hervey Allen, NSRC
- Phil Regnauld, NSRC
- Philip Smith, NSRC
- Save Vocea, ICANN
- Steve Huter, NSRC
PITA (the Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association) also plays
the central role organising and managing the PacNOG events,
as well as coordinating with the operator communities in the
Pacific Islands. PITA works closely with the other members of
the PacNOG Coordinating Team to bring the 6-monthly PacNOG
event to the whole region.