Using RANCID! Network management & monitoring Workshop how to configure it: 1. Start by installing the postfix mail system + mail client # apt-get install postfix # apt-get install mutt (answer "Internet Site" at the question of which type of host you are running) 2. Add an alias for the rancid user in /etc/aliases rancid-all: inst rancid-admin-all: inst Save the file, then run: # newaliases 3. Install Rancid itself apt-get install rancid-core (just say yes to the questions) apt-get install rancid-util apt-get install rancid-cgi apt-get install cvsweb apt-get install cvs 4. Edit /etc/rancid/rancid.conf Find the line with the parameter LIST_OF_GROUPS, and replace it with LIST_OF_GROUPS="all" 5. Choose which router you will manage: pc101 - 106 -> pc201 - 206 -> 6. Change to the rancid user # su -s /bin/bash rancid - Check that you ARE the rancid user: > id - You should see this: uid=115(rancid) gid=123(rancid) groups=123(rancid) 7. Create /var/lib/rancid/.cloginrc > vi /var/lib/rancid/.cloginrc add user 192.168.2.x inst add password 192.168.2.x pacn0g2k9 pacn0g2k9 (Remember to replace x with 126 or 254) > chmod 600 /var/lib/rancid/.cloginrc 7. Initialize the CVS repository for rancid: > /usr/lib/rancid/bin/rancid-cvs - You should see something similar to this: No conflicts created by this import cvs checkout: Updating all Directory /var/lib/rancid/CVS/all/configs added to the repository cvs commit: Examining configs cvs add: scheduling file `router.db' for addition cvs add: use `cvs commit' to add this file permanently /var/lib/rancid/CVS/all/router.db,v <-- router.db initial revision: 1.1 8. Test login to the router > /usr/lib/rancid/bin/clogin 192.168.2.x (where x is 126 or 254) - You should now be logged in to the router, and see something like: RTx# - Type 'exit' to logout 9. Add the router.db > vi /var/lib/rancid/all/router.db Add: 192.168.2.x:cisco:up (remember to replace x with 126 or 254) 10. Let's run rancid! > /usr/lib/rancid/bin/rancid-run (Should take a few seconds) 11. Check out the logs: > cd /var/lib/rancid/logs > ls -l ... View the contents of the file: > more all.* 12. Look at the configs > cd /var/lib/rancid/all/configs > more 192.168.2.x - If all went well, you can see the config of the router. 13. Let's change an interface Description on the router > /usr/lib/rancid/bin/clogin 192.168.2.x - At the "RTx#" prompt, enter the command: config terminal - You should see: Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. mgmt-gwX(config)# - Enter: interface FastEthernet 0/1 - You should get this prompt: RTx(config-if)# - Enter: description testing rancid from PCX # X = the number of your PC - Then type CTRL-Z (press Control + the Z key) - You should now have this prompt: RTx# - To save the config to memory: write memory - The switch should say: Building configuration... [OK] - Type to exit: exit 14. Let's run rancid again: > /usr/lib/rancid/bin/rancid-run Look at the config and logs > ls /var/lib/rancid/logs/ 15. Let's see the differences > cd /var/lib/rancid/all/configs > cvs log 192.168.2.x Notice the revisions. Let's view the difference between two versions: > cvs diff -r 1.2 -r 1.3 192.168.2.x ... your change should appear in the output... 16. Check your mail As the user "inst", run the "mutt" mailer to see the mails that Rancid has sent: > exit # su inst > mutt If everything goes as planned, you should be able to read the mails sent by Rancid. (use q or x to quit mutt) 17. Finally, let's make rancid run automatically every 30 minutes from cron > crontab -e - Add this line: */30 * * * * /usr/lib/rancid/bin/rancid-run ... then save and quit