0. Log into your Linux box. Create a home directory called Dynamips, and copy everything from here into that directory. 1. Get a suitable and licenced C7200 IOS image. 2. Uncompress it. Simply do (for example): unzip -p c7200-advipservicesk9-mz.124-25a > c7200.uncompress Put the c7200.uncompress image into the IOS directory. 3. Install the two Linux RPMs. On most Linux boxes, you can simply do: sudo rpm -ivh 4. Start dynamips running. Open another terminal window, move to your Dynamips subdirectory and do: sudo ./run-dynamips This runs the hypervisor - two processes, one for each core of your dual core processor. 5. Go back to the original terminal window, change to the Workshop directory and simply run: dynagen ios124.net Dynamips is now running and set up for the lab. You will notice that the dynamips window in step 4 now mentions about routers booting, etc. Once you get the dynagen prompt back, you can do things like "list /all", etc. Refer to the dynagen manual for more information. 6. To access the router consoles, users simply use telnet to the Linux box to ports 2001 and upwards (2001 maps to Router1, 2002 maps to Router2, etc). 7. Enjoy!