#!/usr/bin/perl -w #-*-perl-*- # # Use this program to edit zone files under RCS # Zone will be checked and reloaded if changes have been made # The serial number will be updated automatically # require 5; use strict; use Rcs; use File::Basename; # # Set to '1' to DEBUG! # my $DEBUG1 = 1; my $DEBUG2 = 0; # # strip the pathname from the name of the program # $0 =~ s!.*/!!; ##################################################################### # # Start of configurable parameters # ##################################################################### # # where the RCS commands live Rcs->bindir('/usr/bin'); my $conf = "/etc/bind/named.conf.local"; my $rndc = "/usr/sbin/rndc"; my $rndc_key = '/etc/rndc.key'; my $default_editor = '/usr/bin/jed'; my $checkzone = '/usr/sbin/named-checkzone'; # # To get this working with 'view' comment out the next two lines # die "Usage: $0 \n" unless $#ARGV == 0; my $view = ''; # # and comment in the next two lines # (Not tested in this version) # #die "Usage: $0 \n" unless $#ARGV == 1; #my $view = lc (shift @ARGV); # # end of 'view' changes # ##################################################################### # # End of configurable parameters # ##################################################################### my $domain = lc (shift @ARGV); # declare these subroutines in advance sub domain2zone ($); sub masterzone2file (@); my $zone = domain2zone($domain); $DEBUG1 && print "Domain: $domain ==> $zone\n"; my $file = masterzone2file($view, $zone); $DEBUG1 && print "Zone: $zone ==> $file\n"; my $basename = basename ($file, ''); my $dirname = dirname ($file); # change to the working file directory chdir ($dirname) or die "Can't chdir to '$dirname'\n"; # Initialise the RCS structures my $obj = Rcs->new; $obj->file($basename); my $rcsfile = $obj->rcsdir . '/' . $obj->arcfile; # if the RCS directory doesn't exist, make it mkdir ( $obj->rcsdir) unless ( -d $obj->rcsdir ); # move existing RCS file into an RCS directory if ( -e $obj->arcfile ) { rename ($obj->arcfile, $rcsfile); } unless ( -e $rcsfile ) { # we need an RCS file from somewhere $obj->rcs('-i', "-t-Created using '$0'"); # if the working file exists check it in if ( -e $basename ) { print "Checking in '$basename'\n"; $obj->ci('-u', "-mChecked in using '$0'"); } } # check to see if the working file has been changed if ( -e $basename ) { my $changed = $obj->rcsdiff; if ($changed) { die "'$file' is out of sync with its latest RCS version.\nUse 'rcs -l $file; ci -u $file'\n"; } } $DEBUG2 && print "Checkout: $!basename\n"; $obj->co('-l') || die "Failed to lock zone file: $basename\n"; # if the editor crashes, restore the original file $SIG{INT}=$SIG{QUIT}=$SIG{TERM}= \&save_me; $DEBUG2 && print "Edit: $basename\n"; edit($basename); my @diff_output; if ((@diff_output = $obj->rcsdiff)) { if ($DEBUG1) { print "\nChanges:\n---\n"; foreach my $line (@diff_output) { chomp ($line); print "$line\n"; } print "---\n"; } $DEBUG2 && print "Update Serial: $basename\n"; updateserial($basename); $DEBUG2 && print "Check In: $basename\n"; $obj->ci('-u', "-mModified using '$0'"); $DEBUG2 && print "Running named-checkzone: $zone $file\n"; if (checkzone ($zone, $file)) { $DEBUG2 && print "rndc reload: $zone\n"; ndcreload($zone); } else { $DEBUG2 && print "'$zone' NOT reloaded\n"; print "ERROR: Re-run '$0 $zone' and fix NOW!\n" } } else { $DEBUG2 && print "Check In: $basename\n"; $obj->ci('-u', "-mModified using '$0'"); } exit 0; # # Subroutines used in script # sub save_me { # Signal handler: only installed after checking out a file, # to try and check the file back in. printf("Abandoning changes and reverting to previous version\n"); my($result) = $obj->co('-u', '-f'); exit(1); } sub edit { my $file = shift; my $editor = $ENV{'EDITOR'} ||= $default_editor; $DEBUG2 && print "\tEditor: $editor\n"; my $editresult = system $editor, $file; if ($editresult) { save_me("[Child killed]"); } return ($editresult == 0); } sub domain2zone ($) { my $domain = shift; die "domain $domain contains invalid characters\n" if ($domain !~ /^[a-z0-9\.\-]+$/); $domain =~ s/\.$//; my @parts = split('\.', $domain); my $zone = $domain; if ($zone =~ /ip6\.int$/ || $zone =~ /ip6\.arpa$/) { return $zone; } if (@parts == 1) { $zone = "$parts[0].in-addr.arpa" if classA_IP(@parts); } elsif (@parts == 2) { $zone = "$parts[1].$parts[0].in-addr.arpa" if classB_IP(@parts); } elsif (@parts == 3 || @parts == 4) { $zone = "$parts[2].$parts[1].$parts[0].in-addr.arpa" if (($zone !~ /in-addr\.arpa$/) && classC_IP(@parts)); } elsif (@parts > 4 && ($zone !~ /in-addr\.arpa$/) && classC_IP(@parts)) { die "Invalid IP: Too many octets\n"; } return $zone; } sub classA_IP { my $oct = shift; return (isoct($oct) && ($oct&0x80) == 0x00); } sub classB_IP { my $oct = shift; return (isoct($oct) && ($oct&0xc0) == 0x80 || classA_IP($oct)); } sub classC_IP { my $oct = shift; return (isoct($oct) && ($oct&0xe0) == 0xc0 || classB_IP($oct)); } sub isoct { my $oct = shift; return ($oct =~ /^\d+$/ && $oct < 256 && $oct >= 0); } sub masterzone2file (@) { my $view = shift; my $zone = shift; my $zoneinfo = findzone($view, $zone); die "No zone matching: $zone\n" unless $zoneinfo; die "$zone is a secondary zone - make changes to the primary zone\n" if $$zoneinfo{'type'} eq 'slave'; return $$zoneinfo{'file'}; } sub findzone (@) { my $view = shift; my $zone = shift; my $zoneinfo; my $foundview = 0; open CONF, $conf || die "Failed to open $conf\n"; while(defined($zoneinfo = getnextzone(\*CONF))) { $DEBUG2 && print "VIEW: $view $$zoneinfo{'view'}\n"; if ($$zoneinfo{'view'} eq $view) { $foundview = 1; } elsif ($$zoneinfo{'view'} ne '' && $$zoneinfo{'view'} ne $view) { $foundview = 0; } $DEBUG2 && print "ZONE: $zone $$zoneinfo{'name'}\n"; if ($foundview && $$zoneinfo{'name'} eq $zone) { close CONF; return $zoneinfo; } } return undef; } sub getnextzone { my $fh = shift; my $view; my $zone; my %zone; $zone{'view'} = ''; while(<$fh>) { chomp; s|//.*$||g; if (!$view && /view\s*"(.*?)"\s*{/) { $zone{'view'} = lc $1; $DEBUG2 && print "\t$zone{'view'}\n"; $view = 1; } if (!$zone && /zone\s*"(.*?)"\s*{/) { $zone{'name'} = lc $1; $DEBUG2 && print "\t$zone{'name'}\n"; $zone = 1; } elsif ($zone) { if (/type\s*(\S+);/) { $zone{'type'} = $1; $DEBUG2 && print "\t\tType: $zone{'type'}\n"; } elsif (/file\s*"(.*?)"/) { $zone{'file'} = "$1" if ($zone{'type'} eq 'master'); $zone{'file'} = "$1" if ($zone{'type'} eq 'slave'); $DEBUG2 && print "\t\tFile: $zone{'file'}\n"; } elsif (/masters\s*{(.*)}/) { $zone{'masters'} = [ split(/\s+/, $1) ]; $DEBUG2 && print("\t\tMasters: ", join(', ', @{$zone{'masters'}}), "\n"); } elsif (/};/) { $DEBUG2 && print "\tEND: $zone{'name'}\n"; last; } } } return $zone ? \%zone : undef; } sub updateserial { my $file = shift; open ZONE, "$file" || do { warn "Failed to open zone file: $file\n"; return; }; open NEWZONE, ">$file.$$" || do { warn "Failed to open new zone file: $file.$$\n"; return; }; local $/ = ")"; my $soa = ; $DEBUG2 && print "\tOld SOA: $soa\n"; $soa =~ /\(\s*(\d+)/; my $oserial = $1; $DEBUG1 && print "Old Serial: $oserial\n"; my ($yyyy,$mm,$dd) = (localtime(time))[5,4,3]; $yyyy += 1900; $mm++; my $nserial = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d00", $yyyy, $mm, $dd; $nserial++ until ($oserial < $nserial); $DEBUG1 && print "New Serial: $nserial\n"; $soa =~ s/(\(\s*)(\d+)/$1$nserial/; $DEBUG2 && print "\tNew SOA: $soa\n"; print NEWZONE $soa; undef $/; print NEWZONE ; close ZONE; close NEWZONE; rename "$file.$$", "$file"; } sub ndcreload { my $zone = shift; system $rndc, 'reload', $zone, 'in', $view; return ($? == 0); } sub checkzone { my $zone = shift; my $file = shift; system $checkzone, $zone, $file; return ($? == 0); }